Monday, 4 April 2011


Within the written New Testament, Mary's significance is seen as subordinate, and yet she continues to stand her ground. .  

As the inviolate vessel for the Christian's God's holy 'word'; she  bears the 'Christ child' 

Yet she finds her self standing on the side lines, between the Father and the Son - a Liminal figure.

 Hidden, but in Plain Sight 

Her image in art, literature and film used to develop an unobtainable ideal, a representation of the  subjugated 'Goddess' from the pre-Christian era.
Desexualised, powerless a submissive vessel to an All powerful Male Diety

Yet she bides her time. her image constant- watching and waiting .

Centuries of silent adoration , when she steps out form the shadows for a moment as


This blog will also look at those images that subvert and challenge the idea and ask what they can offer and why they disturb

On the journey I hope to show you images of the Goddess, how she has been concealed, hidden disguised, covered up and censored - but how she has never been forgotten 

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